Tuesday, November 8, 2011

A Few of My Favorite Things:

(apparently) These are a few of my favorite things because I've been missing them the most:

1. Chipotle. Don't judge me. Last night I dreamed I left Rome early so that I could go home to Chipotle (but I was nervous because Rachel's package hadn't arrived yet and I didn't know if I should stay and wait for it or if they'd be able to ship it to me in America, even though it had just come from America, or what..).

2. Sookie. I know this is an obvious one. And I know you're not judging me for it.

3. A living room atmosphere. This means comfortable couches or chairs filled with familiar friends or family set up on a rug, in a real room, in an arrangement around a working television that encourages social interaction.

4. Driving (or passenger-ing, I really don't care) with the windows down and the music up.

5. The confidence that if I start talking to someone on the street they will understand what I'm saying to them.

If I think of anything else I'll let you know.

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